Zanbaka C., HandUber J., Saunders-Newton D. (2019) An Application of Agent Based Social Modeling in the DoD. In: Carmichael T., Collins A., Hadžikadić M. (eds) Complex Adaptive Systems. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Cham.
Gordon, N. S., Merchant, J., Zanbaka, C., Hodges, L.F., Goolkasian, P. (2011). "Interactive Gaming Reduces Experimental Pain With or Without a Head Mounted Display", Computers in Human Behavior, 7, 2123-2128.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Lessons Learned in Assessing Human-Virtual Human Interaction", Advances in Virtual Environments Technology: Musings on Design, Evaluation, & Applications, (K. M. Stanney (Ed.)), Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 2005.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S., Ulinski, A., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Comparison of path visualizations and cognitive measures relative to travel technique in a virtual environment", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11. 6: 694-705.
Zanbaka, C., HandUber, J. and Saunders-Newton, D. 2009. Modeling and Simulating Community Sentiments and Interactions at the Pacific Missile Range Facility. In Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium 2009: Complex Adaptive Systems and the Threshold Effect: Views from the Natural and Social Sciences.
Cairco, L., Babu, S., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., and Hodges, L. F. 2007. Shakespearean karaoke. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, S. N. Spencer, Ed. VRST '07. ACM, New York, NY, 239-240.
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. "Social responses to virtual humans: Implications for future interface design." Honorable Mention for Best of CHI Award. In Proceedings of CHI 2007, ACM Press (2007) , 1561 - 1570.
Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Wartell, Z., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. "Two-handed selection techniques for 3D volumetric data." In Proceedings of IEEE 3DUI 2007, (2007), 107-114.
Zanbaka, C., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2006). "Can a virtual cat persuade you? The role of gender and realism in speaker persuasiveness." In Proceedings of CHI 2006, ACM Press (2006), 1153-1162. Acceptance rate: 23%
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S. Xiao, D., Ulinski, A, and Hodges L.F. (2004). "Effects of Travel Technique on Cognition in Virtual Environments," In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2004, 149-156, 286. Acceptance rate: 20.3%
Zanbaka, C. (2005). "Challenges in Virtual Human Research." The Third Young Investigator's Forum in Virtual Reality, February 24-25, 2005, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea.
Livingston, M., Zanbaka, C., Swan, J. E., Smallman, H. (2005). "Objective Measures for the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality," IEEE Virtual Reality 2005, Bonn, Germany, March 12 - 16. (Poster)
Babu, S., Zanbaka, C., Jackson, J., Chung, T., Lok, B., Shin, M., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Virtual Human Physiotherapist Framework for Personalized Training and Rehabilitation," Graphics Interface 2005, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 9 - 11, 2005. (Poster)
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2004). "Effects of Virtual Human Presence on Task Performance," Proceeding of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), 174-181.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F., (2005). "Lessons Learned in Assessing Human-Virtual Human Interaction." First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 - 27 July.
Ziemkiewicz, C., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Hardin, S., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Interactive Digital Patient for Triage Nurse Training." First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 - 27 July.
Videos, Demonstrations, and Panels
Fouse, A., Marshall, T., Bruni, S., Zanbaka, C., McElveny, K., & Holloway, H. (2022, June 16). Evaluation of a human-machine teaming approach for probabilistic maritime mission planning. In Proceedings of the 2022 NDIA Human Systems Conference. Springfield, VA: National Defense Industrial Association.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S., Xiao, D., Ulinski, A., Hodges, L.F. (2004). "Effects of travel technique on cognition in virtual environments." IEEE Virtual Reality 2004 Video Proceedings.
Ziemkiewicz, C., Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Suma, E., Powell, E., Hodges, L. F., Godwin, A., Chaffin, A., Babu, S. "Let's Talk about UNC Charlotte: A conversation with a Virtual Human." Research Demonstration at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2006 Conference, Alexandria, VA, USA, March 25-29, 2006.
Johnsen. K., Zanbaka, C., Acevado, D., Razzaqu, S. "Building the Future of and a Career in VR". Panel (organizer: Benjamin Lok) at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA, March 10-14, 2007.
Skorupski, James, Josh McCoy, Catherine Zanbaka, Kathy Ryall, and Michael Mateas. 2012. “Evaluating Realism for Virtual Supporting Characters.” Technical Report UCSC-SOE-12-04. Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz. PDF
J. Edward Swan II, Mark A. Livingston, Harvey S. Smallman, Joseph L. Gabbard, Dennis G. Brown, Yohan Baillot, Simon J. Julier, Greg S. Schmidt, Catherine Zanbaka, Derborah Hix, and Lawrence J. Rosenblum, "A Methodology for Quantifying Medium- and Far-Field Depth Perception in Optical, See-Through Augmented Reality", Technical Report #MSU-05031, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University. PDF
Zanbaka C., HandUber J., Saunders-Newton D. (2019) An Application of Agent Based Social Modeling in the DoD. In: Carmichael T., Collins A., Hadžikadić M. (eds) Complex Adaptive Systems. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Cham.
Gordon, N. S., Merchant, J., Zanbaka, C., Hodges, L.F., Goolkasian, P. (2011). "Interactive Gaming Reduces Experimental Pain With or Without a Head Mounted Display", Computers in Human Behavior, 7, 2123-2128.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Lessons Learned in Assessing Human-Virtual Human Interaction", Advances in Virtual Environments Technology: Musings on Design, Evaluation, & Applications, (K. M. Stanney (Ed.)), Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 2005.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S., Ulinski, A., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Comparison of path visualizations and cognitive measures relative to travel technique in a virtual environment", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11. 6: 694-705.
Zanbaka, C., HandUber, J. and Saunders-Newton, D. 2009. Modeling and Simulating Community Sentiments and Interactions at the Pacific Missile Range Facility. In Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium 2009: Complex Adaptive Systems and the Threshold Effect: Views from the Natural and Social Sciences.
Cairco, L., Babu, S., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., and Hodges, L. F. 2007. Shakespearean karaoke. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, S. N. Spencer, Ed. VRST '07. ACM, New York, NY, 239-240.
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. "Social responses to virtual humans: Implications for future interface design." Honorable Mention for Best of CHI Award. In Proceedings of CHI 2007, ACM Press (2007) , 1561 - 1570.
Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Wartell, Z., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. "Two-handed selection techniques for 3D volumetric data." In Proceedings of IEEE 3DUI 2007, (2007), 107-114.
Zanbaka, C., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2006). "Can a virtual cat persuade you? The role of gender and realism in speaker persuasiveness." In Proceedings of CHI 2006, ACM Press (2006), 1153-1162. Acceptance rate: 23%
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S. Xiao, D., Ulinski, A, and Hodges L.F. (2004). "Effects of Travel Technique on Cognition in Virtual Environments," In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2004, 149-156, 286. Acceptance rate: 20.3%
Zanbaka, C. (2005). "Challenges in Virtual Human Research." The Third Young Investigator's Forum in Virtual Reality, February 24-25, 2005, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea.
Livingston, M., Zanbaka, C., Swan, J. E., Smallman, H. (2005). "Objective Measures for the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality," IEEE Virtual Reality 2005, Bonn, Germany, March 12 - 16. (Poster)
Babu, S., Zanbaka, C., Jackson, J., Chung, T., Lok, B., Shin, M., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Virtual Human Physiotherapist Framework for Personalized Training and Rehabilitation," Graphics Interface 2005, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 9 - 11, 2005. (Poster)
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F. (2004). "Effects of Virtual Human Presence on Task Performance," Proceeding of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), 174-181.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Goolkasian, P., Hodges, L. F., (2005). "Lessons Learned in Assessing Human-Virtual Human Interaction." First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 - 27 July.
Ziemkiewicz, C., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Hardin, S., Hodges, L. F. (2005). "Interactive Digital Patient for Triage Nurse Training." First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 - 27 July.
Videos, Demonstrations, and Panels
Fouse, A., Marshall, T., Bruni, S., Zanbaka, C., McElveny, K., & Holloway, H. (2022, June 16). Evaluation of a human-machine teaming approach for probabilistic maritime mission planning. In Proceedings of the 2022 NDIA Human Systems Conference. Springfield, VA: National Defense Industrial Association.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S., Xiao, D., Ulinski, A., Hodges, L.F. (2004). "Effects of travel technique on cognition in virtual environments." IEEE Virtual Reality 2004 Video Proceedings.
Ziemkiewicz, C., Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Suma, E., Powell, E., Hodges, L. F., Godwin, A., Chaffin, A., Babu, S. "Let's Talk about UNC Charlotte: A conversation with a Virtual Human." Research Demonstration at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2006 Conference, Alexandria, VA, USA, March 25-29, 2006.
Johnsen. K., Zanbaka, C., Acevado, D., Razzaqu, S. "Building the Future of and a Career in VR". Panel (organizer: Benjamin Lok) at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA, March 10-14, 2007.
Skorupski, James, Josh McCoy, Catherine Zanbaka, Kathy Ryall, and Michael Mateas. 2012. “Evaluating Realism for Virtual Supporting Characters.” Technical Report UCSC-SOE-12-04. Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz. PDF
J. Edward Swan II, Mark A. Livingston, Harvey S. Smallman, Joseph L. Gabbard, Dennis G. Brown, Yohan Baillot, Simon J. Julier, Greg S. Schmidt, Catherine Zanbaka, Derborah Hix, and Lawrence J. Rosenblum, "A Methodology for Quantifying Medium- and Far-Field Depth Perception in Optical, See-Through Augmented Reality", Technical Report #MSU-05031, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University. PDF